Be the Example

In The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman explains how Jesus showed through His prayer life how His disciples should live:

Surely it was no accident that Jesus often let His disciples see Him conversing with the Father. They could see the strength which it gave to His life, and though they could not understand fully what it was all about, they must have realized that this was part of His secret of life. Note that Jesus did not force the lesson upon them, but rather He just kept praying until at last the disciples got so hungry that they asked Him to teach them... (Luke 11:1).

Don’t you long for that hunger yourself? As you study the life of Christ, try to experience Him as the disciples did, and then let His example lead you to a life of holiness and strength.

P.R.A.Y. for Today

Praise God for Jesus’ example of prayer; repent of any dullness in learning from Jesus; ask Him to continue teaching you; yield to Him today by praying through His model prayer (Luke 11:2-4), expanding each part with your own words.

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