Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley church will be open for services on May 10, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Therefore, we have modified the seating area in the Sanctuary into group sections. Ushers will be stationed at the entrances and will stagger groups in for seating. Reserve your seats below.
Please note that all touch points in the facility will be cleaned before and after services and only one person will be allowed in restrooms at any given time. A facilities cleaning attendant will be positioned to clean restrooms after each use. Although not required, we ask that you consider wearing masks to ensure the safety and comfort of those around you.
Please note the following steps that have been taken to ensure your protection:
- We are only operating at around 30% capacity right now as we take a phased approach to re-entry under extreme social distancing guidelines.
- The facility team will be handling reopening operations while wearing gloves and masks.
- Congregants will be staggered in by our usher team (sidewalks are marked accordingly) and seated apart with 6’ of space between groups of 10 or less.
- Every chair has been cleaned.
- Every touch point is cleaned and will be cleaned after service.
- New Filters for the air conditioning units with high Micropartical Performance Ratings have been installed.
- Restrooms will be reserved for one user at a time and will be cleaned before and after every use.
- We will be transimitting on the radio (87.9 FM – within the FCC rules regarding proximity to the church facility) and broadcasting via LiveStream. Please see instructions below if you prefer to participate remotely.
Despite some of the limitations, we are delighted, nonetheless, to be making progress toward re-acclimating our congregation family back into regular facility use for corporate worship. It is our hope that we can start expanding facility use over the coming weeks. At this time, Children’s Ministry services (including nursery) will not yet be offered. But we are navigating those steps carefully as well.
If you are planning to attend service, please stress good sanitary behaviors and take extra steps, as necessary, to help us maintain a healthy environment. This includes human contact awareness, such as hugging or hand shakes, which we ask that you limit, temporarily, as you are able. In addition, should you have any health concerns, it would be prudent to contact your healthcare provider and stay home until treated. The coronavirus is characterized by mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. Illness can be more severe for some people and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.
The Board of Elders at Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley ask for your continued prayers as we monitor COVID-19 containment efforts underway across the country. Our health and safety teams are working tirelessly to ensure the facility is clean and safe for public use.
Although we have great faith and trust in God’s provision and protection (Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 91:1-3), we also understand taking precautions if you are susceptible to infection, have a compromised immune system or other health related vulnerabilities. Therefore, we will continue broadcasting services LIVE at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays (Mountain Time), which is streamed to multiple outlets, should you choose to participate remotely. The Livestream channel allows viewers to watch Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley services via their Roku or Apple TV devices on their televisions. In addition, we will be broadcasting on Facebook and at
Reserve your seat below:
4945 Cable Ln
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
United States
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