Mother/Daughter Tea

Ladies, please join our LCF (Ladies of Calvary Fellowship) Ministry for our annual Mother/Daughter Tea! If you do not have a mother or a daughter to bring, please feel free to invite any woman in your life! You are also welcome to attend alone - every woman is a daughter of our Almighty God, after all!

If you wish to attend, please contact Kimberly Valere at 719.661.8155 or Mandy Welch at 719.476.0048.

The event is free for attendees, but if you would like to sponsor a table at the event to help provide funding, please contact one of the LCF leaders listed above.

For those attending, please bring a finger food (enough to feed 50) based on your last name. Those with last names starting with A-H will need to bring a main dish, I through R will be asked to bring a side dish, and S to Z will be asked to bring a dessert.

May 08, 2021 at 11:00am - 1pm
Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
4945 Cable Ln
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
United States
Google map and directions
Kimberly Valere · · 719-661-8155
Karen Johnson

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