Calvary Academy Graduation 2024

Come out and support the Calvary Academy Graduating Class of 2024 on October 27 at 12:00 noon.

After 4 years of Biblical and Theological Studies, please plan to stay after services and encourage the graduates as they walk in full regalia and receive their diplomas. You will hear from the Summa Cum Laude students as well.

The Commencement Ceremony will begin at 12:00 noon on October 27 and conclude at 1:30 p.m., with a reception to follow (in the Fellowship Hall). If you will be attending the reception, please register below. Your assistance will help us to plan for catering accordingly.


October 27, 2024 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
4945 Cable Ln
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
United States
Google map and directions
John Bornschein · · 719-382-3711
Jonathan Cruz Sheldon Valere Michael Munoz Carol Norman Sandra Trauernicht Zachary Charles Susan M. Johnson Jeanette Relaford Aleyah Bornschein William Bowden Julia Hayes Rosalind Milam Joseph Kaiser John Bornschein Ruth LaVigne Ashley Bills Jennifer Rohlfs

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