Video and Audio

Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley is pleased to offer Live Sermons and video archive on and In addition, you can catch Pastor John Bornschein every Saturday (1:30 p.m.) and Sunday (9:00 a.m.) on 100.7 KGFT.


If you enjoy watching the weekly sermons, then click here to view this week's message and more. You will also find an archive of more than 150 sermons and counting>



Podcasts are convenient and easy to share. These weekly, 25-minute programs are loaded with Biblical direction for every day situations. Click here to listen to the radio show archive now. 


YouTube.pngIn our fast-paced life, sometimes we just need a short, daily devotional to equip us with Biblical insight and encouragement. Every Wednesday, a new video feature is released with an average run-time of 10 minutes or less. Click here to watch the Cable Lane series now>


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  • Kenny Cawood
    commented 2019-04-14 10:13:03 -0600
    I listen to your broadcast as often as I can. I look forward to visiting your church soon.
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