Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley (CFFV) is delighted to offer you a ministry experience that will transform your Christian Worldview. The Calvary Academy (a seminary for Biblical and Theological studies) includes a state-of-the-art online experience and community forum for reading, viewing and studying foundational truth – including: Church History, Apologetics, Doctrine of Scripture, Hermeneutics, Bible Survey and more. At the end of the program, graduating students will have the opportunity for ordination, ministry teaching and even Elder Board considerations.
If you have ever wanted to be a church leader, planter or missionary, then this is the opportunity you won’t want to miss. You will learn from some of the foremost teachers from around the world, including Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Abner Chou, Dr. John Street and more. These ACSI accredited courses will equip and enable you to lead, teach and grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Scripture in a new and exciting way.
What to expect: Professors Perry Rohlfs, Wade Wilson and John Bornschein meet weekly with group participants on Sunday mornings before services for 45 minutes (8:00 a.m. for BA program, 8:45 a.m. for MA program). The group receives lesson overviews and instructions for the online curriculum, weekly homework and assessments. The group reconvenes the next Sunday to discuss and continue in the weekly lesson.
You will need to plan for 2-3 hours per week of commitment in your evening studies. To grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord requires devotion and discipline. The enrollment cost is $30 per month. That is right – only $30 PER MONTH for a Seminary Education.
To register, you will need to email Pastor Bornschein for further information >> You will then receive an invitation to the Academy via email along with additional details.
Biblical and Theological Studies Core Requirements:
Biblical Studies Concentration:
- BIBL 313 Bible Survey I: Law and History (3):
- BIBL 314 Bible Survey II: Prophets, Poetry and Wisdom (3)
- BIBL 315 Bible Survey III: The Gospels (3)
- BIBL 316 Bible Survey IV: Acts, Romans, Epistles and Revelation (3)
BIBL 317 Bible History (3)
Theological and Historical Studies Concentration:
- HIST 260 Church History I: The Ancient Church (3)
- HIST 261 Church History II: The Medieval Church (3)
- HIST 262 Church History III: The Reformation (3)
- HIST 430 Understanding the Tabernacle (3)
- BIBL 422 Theology of Covenants (3)
- BIBL 301 Apologetics I (3)
- BIBL 210 Christian Worldview (3)
- BIBL 230 Philosophy I (3)
- BIBL 250 The Person and Work of Christ (3)
- BIBL 331 Systematic Theology I: God and Scripture (3)
Additional Electives:
- HIST 263 Church History IV: The Post-Reformation Church (3)
- HIST 264 Church History V: The Great Century (3)
- LANG 301 Intermediate Hebrew (3)
- LANG 401 Intermediate Greek (3)
ACSI recognizes these courses as CEUs since they are offered through accredited programs (the Reformation Bible College and the Master's Seminary: Institute for the Christian Life). However, the Calvary Academy, as an institution, is an extension program and is thereby not accredited by CHEA. Students receive certificates in Bible Knowledge, Christian Living, Sound Doctrine and Shepherding Care for completed work. A Traditional Program is 49 General Education Requirements, 39 Biblical and Theological Studies and 32 Electives – Total Degree Hours: 120. However, the Calvary Academy does not offer General Education or Electives required by CHEA. This program is designed for a Seminary emphasis.
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