Judy N. Bos-Parsons

  • donated 2024-08-05 10:30:12 -0600

  • commented on Contact Us 2023-05-22 13:13:12 -0600
    Pastor John: Thank you for answering my prayer request, reference scriptures for dealing with grief and comfort. I appreciate the scriptures, they reset my brain on how to think about my twin sister’s death and how to deal with it. Surprisingly, I only have grief on my Birthday and Christmas (those special family days); any other day seems fine. I can talk about memories of my sister to others and visit her gravesite, etc., no problems. So, will forge ahead with the scriptures. (FYI) I got my “Armed and Dangerous” booklet in the mail today :-) Thanks much! No response is necessary…

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    Here at Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley, we take your comments very seriously. If you have any questions or need assistance - even just general feedback about your experience - then please complete the form below and one of our pastors will be in touch with you shortly. Have a blessed day!

    Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
    4945 Cable Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80911

    Offices are open 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Tu-F
    719.382.3711 / [email protected]

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  • commented on Prayer Request 2024-01-27 10:44:26 -0700
    I would love prayers from the church family for a speedy recovery, On Thursday, I was spray painting and went from the garage into the kitchen, my shoe sole got caught on the top step, and I made a 3 point landing on my face/nose/eyes, two replaced knees, a right hand, which were all bruised bad; thought I was going to bleed to death (a traumatic experience), but got through it. Long story short broken nose, eyes and hand and knees all bruised bad and swollen; it looks like I was in a boxing match. Not hospitalized and doctor said two week recovery; I feel it will be longer. Thank you everybody, I don’t normally ask for prayers for myself, but I know they do help. (I’m an at home member, being 80, and can’t always make it to the church, so watch Pastor John online.)

  • signed up on Get Involved 2023-05-19 15:58:26 -0600

  • answered 2023-04-02 09:53:21 -0600
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Judy N. Bos-Parsons

Judy N. Bos-Parsons
