Church APP

Stay Connected. Download the Bible App by YouVersion to access our sermon notes and connect with other church family members.

Here is how it works:

1) On your iPhone/Android Smart Phone or Tablet, go to the App Store and search for "Bible App."

2) Download this free app and then once it is installed, click the "Discover" tab at the bottom of the page, and search for "Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley."

3) Select "Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley" and click the "Set as my church" button at the top of the page to get updates from CFFV and receive a notification when the sermon notes are released each week.

4) Once you have CFFV set as your church on the app, you can quickly find our page each time you open the Bible App by selecting "More" at the bottom of the screen and clicking "My Church." 

Click the links below or scan the QR code to download the Bible App today!

app_store_200_70.png      google-play_200_70.jpg

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Some android phones are able to access our church's profile on the Bible app, but are unable to see the posted sermon notes. If that is the case for you, then on Sunday mornings during services, you can use the following instructions as a workaround:

1) During Sunday services, open the Bible app and click the "More" tab.

2) Click the "Events" option on the menu that pops up.

3) Search for "Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley" on the Events search bar. A back-up copy of the Sermon Notes will show up as a Live Event and you will be able to click on them and read them as normal. This Live Event is only available from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Mountain Time, so this workaround is only functional during Sunday services.

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  • Israel Argueta
    commented 2022-12-22 17:16:26 -0700
    God bless you richly for helping the community in time of need
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