Doug Dandrea commented on Contact Us 2024-02-02 10:50:19 -0700Please continue to email me the sermon notes. Thanks.
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Here at Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley, we take your comments very seriously. If you have any questions or need assistance - even just general feedback about your experience - then please complete the form below and one of our pastors will be in touch with you shortly. Have a blessed day!
Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
4945 Cable Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80911Offices are open 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Tu-F
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719.382.3711 / [email protected]
Doug Dandrea answered 2023-02-17 06:24:35 -0700Q: What was the primary tool that you used to find Calvary Fellowship?
A: Radio
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Doug Dandrea commented on Prayer Request 2024-08-04 07:13:03 -0600Please pray for my sister Debbie August who is in liver failure, has lost a lot of weight, and is now having to be on oxygen. Please also continue to pray for her husband Dave who has stage 4 prostate cancer and is awaiting test results to see if the cancer has spread. Dave and Debbie are both believers but do not currently attend church on a regular basis.