Annual Craft Fair - Vendor Registration

2024 Craft Fair

Our Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley 2024 Craft Fair will be taking place on Saturday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

**UPDATE 10/11/2024: All vendor spaces are SOLD OUT.**

If you are interested in registering as a vendor for this year's event, please review the following information:

  • **All vendors must fill out an application form.** Please click here to download a copy of the application. You may email your completed form to Kimberly Valere at [email protected]. You may also mail or drop off your application to our campus (address listed below). Our campus is open on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon for services, and Wednesday–Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Vendor registration fees may be paid online below. Returning vendors (individuals who have hosted a booth at the Calvary Fellowship Craft Fair in the past) may purchase a "Returning Vendor" ticket for a $5.00 discount. All new vendors must purchase the "New Vendor" ticket. One ticket reserves a single booth space. More information on the booth spaces can be found on the application form.
  • Tables are not included; if you wish to rent a table at the event, you may purchase a table rental ticket (or multiple, if more than one table is required) using the ticket system below. We recommend purchasing your table rental tickets at the same time as your vendor registration fee to help keep your application details in order.
  • If you would like to pay for your fee or table rentals with an alternative payment method, payment options are as follows:
    • Checks or money orders can be mailed to our campus along with your vendor application form. Please make checks out to Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley or CFFV, and write "Craft Fair Vendor Fee" and/or "Table Rental" in the memo line. A single check may be used to pay for the registration fee and table rental(s).
    • Cash, checks, or money orders may be dropped off to our campus along with your completed application form. 
  • Only handcrafted items are permitted to be sold at this event. No wholesale, resale, or MLM products (e.g., DoTERRA, Avon, Herbalife, Scentsy, etc.) will be accepted.

For any questions, please contact Kimberly at the email address or phone number listed below.

October 19, 2024 at 9:00am - 3pm
Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
4945 Cable Ln
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
United States
Google map and directions
Kimberly Valere · · 719.661.8155

Will you come?

$40.00 **SOLD OUT** NEW Vendor Registration Fee
This ticket registers a single vendor for the 2024 Craft Fair who has not hosted a booth at Calvary Fellowship in the past.
$35.00 **SOLD OUT** RETURNING Vendor Registration Fee
This ticket registers a single vendor who has hosted a booth at Calvary Fellowship's Craft Fair in the past.
$5.00 **SOLD OUT** Table Rental
This ticket reserves a single 6' table for your vendor booth.

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