Food Pantry

The Connections 4 Life center exists to bring hope, healing, and positive change to those in need by meeting basic physical needs, offering life skills training, crisis support, and providing emotional healing through counseling and prayer.

C4L has distributed 340,000 lbs of food to more than 30,000 people. We offer a great opportunity for all ages to serve our community. Everything we do is free. We use a holistic approach that connects various resources to help people rise above their circumstances. We form caring relationships that build dignity and confidence and encourages a culture of giving back.

Volunteers are needed!

Call the center at 719-387-9919 or learn more at:

January 09, 2020 at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Connections 4 Life
6436 US-85
Fountain , CO 80817
United States
Google map and directions
Gretchen Baker · · 719-502-1422

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