Home Fellowship: Spencer Home

James Spencer and his wife, Mia, host a Home Fellowship that takes place on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. James and Mia’s study focuses on a variety of topics, including, “Learning to Study from the Bible vs. Reading from the Bible”, “New Testament Living”, “Building Blocks to Strengthen Your Faith” and much more. Each gathering is approximately an hour and a half long to allow plenty of time for fellowship, prayer, study, and a Q&A session for each lesson.

James and Mia live in the Ellicott area (near Ellicott High School) and they are excited to welcome you into their home! James has requested for interested parties to contact him at 719.373.9227 so he can provide additional details about the gathering and give directions to his residence.

September 13, 2022 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Spencer Family Residence
South Ellicott Highway
Ellicott, CO
United States
Google map and directions
James and Mia Spencer · 719.373.9227

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